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Mid Term Test Paper

18 January 2012
As mid term test is getting closer, Miss Zu teach us how to answer mid term test for Bel260. This mid term test consist of two question which is reading comprehension for part A and writing for part B. I think it is quite easier than BEL120. This is bacause for a writing question we only have to write an essay based on visual aids.

 Some tips: 

1.Follow Non Linear writing’s Formula:


1) OV + CI
2-3) KFs
  4) P(i) + P(ii)

2. Find the highest and lowest
3. If possible try to compare them

4. Other possible key features/points in the data provided 

         Class end early today because miss Zu has a meeting...yeay!!! but with one condition that we will have a quiz based on mid term test for the next class.

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