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Past tense and Past Continuous Tense

16 February 2012

As Elya’s group and Megat’s group have present for their task yesterday, so today is my group and Jihan’s group turn to present for our grammar task about past simple tense and past continuous tense.

When to use simple past tense???

¨  1. To talk about actions that happen at a            
specific time in the past. You state when it happened using a time adverb.
¡  Yesterday, Last month
¡  Example:Last year I took my exams
¨  2. It can be used to described events that happened over a period of the time in the       past but not now.
¡  Example:I lived in Asia for two years
¨  3. It is also used to talk about habitual or repeated actions that took place in the past.
¡  Example :When I was a child we always went to the seaside on bank holidays

Spelling rules for simple past tense of regular verbs
If the verbs ends in a consonant, 
add _ed
E.g: return- returned
        help- helped
        cook- cooked
If the verbs ends in e, add _d
E.g: live- lived
        create- created
        die- died
If the verb ends in a consonant –vowel-consonant combination ( CVC ), double the last consonant  and add _ed
E.g: hop- hopped
        rub- rubbed
Exception :word ending in _w, x, or _y
(bow-bowed, play-played, mix-mixed)
If the verb ends in a consonant +y, change the _y to _i and _ed
E.g: worry- worried
        copy- copied
If the verb ends in a vowel +y, add _ed
E.g: play- played
        annoy- annoyed
Exception : pay- paid, lay-laid, say- said

Irregular Verbs
Verbs which don’t change
cut – cut
hit – hit
fit - fit
Verbs which change their vowel
get – got
sit – sat
drink – drank
Verbs which change completely
go – went
bring – brought
teach - taught

Definition : The past continuous tense (also called the past progressive tense) is commonly used in English for actions which were going on (had not finished) at a particular time in the past. This page will explain the rules for forming the tense, and how it is used.

1. Forming the past continuous tense

This tense was formed using two components: the verb BE (in the past tense), and the -ING form of a verb. Here are the rules, using the example verb "sing":

-ING Form

2. When to use the past continuous

1.      Duration in the past
2.     Interrupted actions in progress
3.     Actions in progress at the same time in the past
4.     Irritation
5.     Timid / polite question

USE 1: Duration in the past
We use the Past Continuous to talk about actions or situations that lasted for some time in the past, and whose duration time is unknown or unimportant.
·         I was watching TV yesterday in the evening.
·         She was sleeping on the couch.
·         The dog was barking.

     USE 2: Interrupted actions in progress
The Past Continuous is often used when one action in progress is interruped by another action in the past. We usually use when or while to link these two sentences.

  • I was talking with James when the telephone rang.
  • While Angelica was playing tennis, the plane crashed .
  • When Bob was painting windows, it started raining.
USE 3: Actions in progress at the same time
We also use this tense to talk about two or more activities happening at the same. We usually usewhen or while to link the two sentences
  • I was watching TV and Barbara was reading a book.
  • The family was eating the dinner and talking.
  • When Bob was painting windows, Mary was working in the kitchen.
USE 4: Timid / polite questions
If we want to ask a polite question, we can use the Past Continuous.
  • I was wondering if you could open the window.
  • I was thinking you might help me with this problem.
USE 5: Irritation
Remember that you can also express irritation over somebody or something in
the past.
  • She was always coming late for dinner!

To make it short, my group decided to combine our group’s activity with Jihan’s group. So, after discuss with them, we decided to play for musical chair as it will be an interesting and fun activity. We devided our classmate into 3 group which are 1 group of boys and 2 group of girls. The winner will get cool blog for each..Rahey's group win this games..So, we have to treat the 7 of them..Oh no!!! my money..huhu

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