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22 February 2012

After learned on how to make an introduction for the previous class so we learned more deep about an essay by studying the way to make a conclusion.

“Drawing conclusions is a form of critical thinking. It is relating what you see, hear and read to what you already know”


Follow these steps to draw a conclusion
  1. Read  the paragraph and identify the topic sentence and main idea.
  2. Look for supporting details as evidence that you can use to reach a conclusion (E.g of evidences are: facts, statistics, reasons, definitions and descriptions.
  3. Combine your prior knowledge with the supporting details to draw conclusions.
  4. Ask these questions:
       - What is the writer trying
          to prove?
       - What is the consequences       
         of these events?
       - What is going to happen 
         because of these actions?
       - What can I conclude from
         the paragraph?

For activity, similar to the previous class. Based on the videos, we have to make a conclusion.

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