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Essay- Intoduction

14 February 2012
Essay??? I feel that it have been long time I’m not write an essay and suddenly we have to write an essay. Miss Zu teach us on how to write a good introduction based on hook, transition and thesis.
n  The Hook - Designed to grab attention immediately and give some indication about the essay’s topic
n  The Transition - Moves the reader from the hook to the driving force of the essay….
n  The Thesis - Makes the contract with the reader about what will be discussed without a transparent announcement.

7 hooks
1.      Personal examples

A close friend of mine was in the Vietnam War and he admitted to me that he was terrified every time he had to go into battle. Even so, I consider him one of the most courageous men I have ever known. It is not the absence of fear that defines courage, but the ability of one to force oneself to take action in spite of fear.

2.     Quotations

“But I like the inconveniences.” “We don’t,” said the Controller.  “We prefer to do things comfortably.” “But I don’t want comfort.  I want God, I want poetry, I want real
danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin.” 

3.     Facts or statistics

On a recent anonymous survey, over ninety percent of high schoolmales admitted to secretly enjoying the music of 'N Sync and to practicing their "hot dance moves.

4.     Rhetorical questions

How would you feel if you found out that the murderer of the person you loved most in the world was about to be set free after only two years in prison?

5.     Current event

Today on Wall Street, chewing gum giant, Wrigley, bought out Adams. Adams is a small company known for such unusual chewing gum flavors as clove and licorice. When asked if Wrigley will continue these flavors, aspokesperson said, “They are a bit odd-ball, but we will serve our customers what they want.

6.     Contrast to the thesis statement
Since the middle 1940s, the female Cannabis sativa plant, commonly known as marijuana, has been classified by the United States government as a Schedule I drug. This classification recognizes marijuana as a dangerous narcotic, similar in potency to heroin and possessing no redeeming medicinal qualities. Research in the last few years, however, has brought many new discoveries in medicine relating to the possible uses of marijuana to treat many different illnesses, including glaucoma, cancer, and phantom limb pain suffered by paraplegics and amputees.

7.     Definition
Haemorrhoids, or piles, are swollen and stretched-out veins which line the upper part of the anal cnal and lower rectum. The first symptom is usually bleeding. If the haemorrhoids become larger and bleed during a bowel movement, they generally protrude through the anal canal and are visible as a lump. In this case, they are called ‘prolapsed’. 

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