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Last Class :(

1 March 2012
Ermmmm...Last class for BEL260?? I can’t belived this is the last class for our BEL260.. I feel like it just yesterday I enter to semester 2..What I feel?? Sad? or happy? Of course I feel sad to leave the moment with our lecturer, Miss Zuraidah which is the most energetic and fun lecturer that I never met eventhough sometimes we were scold by her but the ways she taught us make me felt happy to learn.. I will miss you!!!
For the last class......
Miss Zu brought some food for us by using the money given by the late comers. BUT, before we enjoy eating the food, Miss Zu returned our pop quiz paper back for the essay writing. Our group got 14 marks for this paper. I’m not satisfied with this essay as I think 14 marks is not enough for us but don’t worry I will try my best for our final exam that will coming soon.
Okayy.....time to eat!! Thanks to Miss Zu for brought us a lot of food and also the late comers that never stop giving a money to Miss Zu for our food today..hehe.. Without their money we can’t have the food. 
BEL260..I can just only said “ OWESOME” for this subject. I think this is the best subject with the owesome lecturer..;-)
I think Miss Zu have did a good job.. She never give up taught us even she have to repeat for many time.. I proud with her effort in the ways to help us to achieved a good result for BEL260.. I think my english now have much improvement than before. I wanna to thanks to Miss Zu for helping me in this subject by giving an important information and a new knowledge to me.BEL260 is the most fun class as Miss Zu always did an activity that will involve all of us and through this activity we can know a new talent inside each of us. I think with this kind of activity, it may easier for us to remember what we learn. About the notes, I think it is more than enough for me and I will use it until the end of my Diploma...
Lastly, good luck everyone for FINAL EXAM..

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